电子邮箱: shujun_yi@nankai.edu.cn
2022.07 - 至今 南开大学 环境科学与工程学院 讲师
2015.09 - 2021.12 南开大学 环境科学专业 理学博士
2017.09 - 2019.09 加拿大多伦多大学 环境化学专业 联合培养博士
2013.07 - 2015.06 华中科技大学 英语专业 文学学士(双学位)
2011.09 - 2015.06 武汉理工大学 环境科学专业 理学学士
1. 国家自然科学基金青年基金,“全氟壬氧基苯磺酸钠(OBS)在小鼠肝脏中蓄积并诱导肝毒性的分子机制”(项目号:NSFC22306102,主持,在研)
2. 国家重点研发计划,“场地未定标特征污染物迁移与受体暴露耦合模型的构建与验证”(项目号:2022YFC3703203,子课题负责人,在研)
3. 国家重点研发计划,“场地有机-无机复合污染的联合健康效应及风险预测模型”(项目号:2024YFC3713205,子课题负责人,在研)
4. 天津市自然科学基金青年项目,“场地新污染物的多介质分配迁移规律研究” (项目号:23JCQNJC01480,主持,在研)
5. 山东省环境过程与健康危害重点实验室开放基金,“小麦根部对全多氟烷基化合(PFAS)的结构特异性富集潜力、空间分布特征和转运途径的分子机制研究”(主持,在研)
6. 南开大学青年教师研究项目,“借助机器学习筛查全多氟化合物诱导肝毒性效应的生物 靶点及通路研究”(项目号:63231131,主持,结题)
7. 国家自然科学基金联合基金项目,“黄河上游全氟化合物和有机磷酸酯的污染特征、环境行为与源汇机制”(项目号:NSFCU23A201263,参与,在研)
8. 国家自然科学基金国际(地区)合作与交流项目,“基于非靶标分析的未知有机污染物的识别鉴定及生物富集效应研究”(项目号:NSFC22111530176,参与,结题)
9. 生态环境部对外合作与交流中心,“中挪合作化学品环境国际公约履约能力建设项目” (项目号:FECO/LY3/S/19/063,参与,结题)
[1]. Qiaoying Chen, Shujun Yi*, Yumeng Sun, Yumin Zhu, Kaiyuan Ma, and Lingyan Zhu*. Contribution of Continued Dermal Exposure of PFAS-Containing Sunscreens to Internal Exposure: Extrapolation from In Vitro and In Vivo Tests to Physiologically Based Toxicokinetic Models, Environmental science & technology, 2024, 58, 34, 15005-15016.
[2]. Qiaoying Chen, Shujun Yi*, Liping Yang, and Lingyan Zhu. Penetration pathways, influencing factors and predictive models for dermal absorption of exobiotic molecules: A critical review, Science of The Total Environment, 2024, 172390.
[3]. Shujun Yi, Jingwen Wang, Rouyi Wang, Menglin Liu, Wenjue Zhong, Lingyan Zhu*, and Guibin Jiang. Structure-Related Thyroid Disrupting Effect of Perfluorooctanesulfonate-like Substances in Zebrafish Larvae, Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 58, 1, 182-193.
[4]. Menglin Liu, Shujun Yi (共同一作), Hao Yu, Tianxu Zhang, Fengfeng Dong, and Lingyan Zhu*. Underlying mechanisms for the sex-and chemical-specific hepatotoxicity of perfluoroalkyl phosphinic acids in common carp (Cyprinus carpio), Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57, 39, 14515-14525.
[5]. Shujun Yi, Nadia Morson, Elizabeth A. Edwards, Diwen Yang, Runzeng Liu, Lingyan Zhu*, and Scott A. Mabury*. Anaerobic microbial dechlorination of 6: 2 chlorinated polyfluorooctane ether sulfonate and the underlying mechanisms, Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 56, 2, 907-916.
[6]. Qiaoying Chen, Shujun Yi*, Qingqing Ye, Yumin Zhu, Wenjue Zhong, and Lingyan Zhu*. Insights into the dermal absorption, deposition, and elimination of poly-and perfluoroalkyl substances in rats: the importance of skin exposure, Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 56, 23, 16975-16984.
[7]. Shujun Yi, Diwen Yang, Lingyan Zhu*, and Scott A. Mabury*. Significant reductive transformation of 6: 2 chlorinated polyfluorooctane ether sulfonate to form hydrogen-substituted polyfluorooctane ether sulfonate and their toxicokinetics in male Sprague–Dawley rats, Environmental Science & Technology, 2021, 56, 10, 6123-6132.
[8]. Shujun Yi, Lingyan Zhu*, and Scott A. Mabury*. First report on in vivo pharmacokinetics and biotransformation of chlorinated polyfluoroalkyl ether sulfonates in rainbow trout, Environmental Science & Technology, 2019, 54, 1, 345-354.
[9]. Shujun Yi, Pengyu Chen, Liping Yang, and Lingyan Zhu*. Probing the hepatotoxicity mechanisms of novel chlorinated polyfluoroalkyl sulfonates to zebrafish larvae: Implication of structural specificity, Environment international, 2019, 133, 105262.
[10]. Menglin Liu, Bingjing Wang, Shujun Yi, Xuanxuan Dou, Yuqing Zhang, Hao Yu, Xingli Zhang, Shuying Dong, Jinglan Feng, Zhiguo Cao*, and Lingyan Zhu*. Novel insights into the mechanisms of bioaccumulation and tissue-specific distribution of hexafluoropropylene oxide homologues, novel PFOA alternatives, in zebrafish (Danio rerio), Environment International, 2024, 192, 109053.
[11]. Yun Deng, Shujun Yi, Wenya Liu, Liping Yang, Lingyan Zhu*, Qiang Zhang*, Hangbiao Jin, Rongyan Yang, Rouyi Wang, and Nai-jun Tang. Identification of Primary Organophosphate Esters Contributing to Enhanced Risk of Gestational Diabetes Mellitus Based on a Case-Control Study, Environmental Science & Technology, 2024, 58, 40, 17532-17542.
[12]. Xuemin Feng, Shujun Yi, Guoqiang Shan, Xin Chen, Yi Yang, Liping Yang, Yibo Jia, Yumin Zhu, and Lingyan Zhu*. Occurrence of perfluoroalkyl substances in the environment compartments near a mega fluorochemical industry: Implication of specific behaviors and emission estimation, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 445, 130473.
[13]. Zhuo Gao, Shujun Yi, Mengzhu Xue, Kecheng Zhu, Rongyan Yang, Tiecheng Wang, Hongwen Sun, and Lingyan Zhu*. Microbial biotransformation mechanisms of PFPiAs in soil unveiled by metagenomic analysis, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2023, 448, 130896.
[14]. Tianxu Zhang, Lingyan Zhu, Yumeng Sun, Liping Yang, Shujun Yi, and Wenjue Zhong*. Novel insights on 6: 6 perfluoroalkyl phosphonic acid-induced melanin synthesis disorders leading to pigmentation in tadpoles, Environmental Science & Technology, 2023, 57, 30, 11032-11042.
[15]. Yumin Zhu, Yibo Jia, Xiao Wang, Shujun Yi, Yuqing Li, Wenjue Zhong, and Lingyan Zhu*. Mechanisms underlying the impacts of lipids on the diverse bioavailability of per-and polyfluoroalkyl substances in foods, Environmental Science & Technology, 2022, 56, 6, 3613-3622.
[16]. Yumin Zhu, Yibo Jia, Menglin Liu, Liping Yang, Shujun Yi, Xuemin Feng, and Lingyan Zhu*. Mechanisms for tissue-specific accumulation and phase I/II transformation of 6: 2 fluorotelomer phosphate diester in earthworm (M. guillelmi), Environment International, 2021, 151, 106451.
[17]. Menglin Liu, Fengfeng Dong, Shujun Yi, Yumin Zhu, Jian Zhou, Binbin Sun, Guoqiang Shan, Jianfeng Feng, and Lingyan Zhu*. Probing mechanisms for the tissue-specific distribution and biotransformation of perfluoroalkyl phosphinic acids in common carp (Cyprinus carpio), Environmental Science & Technology, 2020, 54, 8, 4932-4941.
[18]. Pengyu Chen, Jing Yang, Geng Chen, Shujun Yi, Menglin Liu, and Lingyan Zhu*. Thyroid-disrupting effects of 6: 2 and 8: 2 polyfluoroalkyl phosphate diester (diPAPs) at environmentally relevant concentrations from integrated in silico and in vivo studies, Environmental Science & Technology Letters, 2020, 7, 5, 330-336.
[19]. Menglin Liu, Shujun Yi, Pengyu Chen, Meng Chen, Wenjue Zhong, Jing Yang, Binbin Sun, and Lingyan Zhu*. Thyroid endocrine disruption effects of perfluoroalkyl phosphinic acids on zebrafish at early development, Science of the total environment, 2019, 676, 290-297.
[20]. Pengyu Chen, Ruihan Wang, Jing Yang, Wenjue Zhong, Menglin Liu, Shujun Yi, and Lingyan Zhu*. Stronger estrogenic and antiandrogenic effects on zebrafish larvae displayed by 6: 2 polyfluoroalkyl phosphate diester than the 8: 2 congener at environmentally relevant concentrations. Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 695, 133907.
[21]. Qiang Wang, Meng Chen, Guoqiang Shan, Pengyu Chen, Shuo Cui, Shujun Yi, and Lingyan Zhu*. Bioaccumulation and biomagnification of emerging bisphenol analogues in aquatic organisms from Taihu Lake, China, Science of the Total Environment, 2017, 598, 814-820.
[22]. Wei Wu, Guoqiang Shan, Qian Xiang, Yinqing Zhang, Shujun Yi, and Lingyan Zhu*. Effects of humic acids with different polarities on the photocatalytic activity of nano-TiO2 at environment relevant concentration, Water research, 2017, 122, 78-85.
Science of the Total Environment 青年编委