担任期刊Separations,《农业环境科学学报》、《农业资源与环境学报》等期刊编委。中国环境科学学会有机固废学术委员会委员(2019.5-),农业部环境保护科研监测所学术委员会委员(2015-2019),中国农学会农业环境损害鉴定评估分会常务理事, 天津市自然资源学会常务理事。担任第十届环境化学大会“绿色能源化学”分会召集人。天津市可再生能源学会生物质能专委会副主任委员,天津市普通高等学校对接产业链本科教学指导委员会委员(轻工组)。天津市清洁能源利用与污染物控制重点实验室学术委员会委员,河北工业大学化工节能过程集成与资源利用国家地方联合工程实验室技术委员会委员。
担任国家重点研发计划项目、国家科技进步奖、国家自然科学基金委(优青、面上、青年和国际合作项目)、教育部人才项目和国家外专局引智项目评审专家,河北省科技厅、广西科技厅自然科学基金和美国化学会石油研究基金(ACS PRF)、智利国家与开发署研究基金的项目评审专家的项目评审专家,河北省科技厅和四川省科技厅科技奖励评审专家。
1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,60万元(直接经费),主持人(No. 22178181),2022.1-2025.12
2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,66万元(直接经费),主持人(No. 21876091),2019.1-2022.12
3. 南开大学百名青年学科带头人培养项目,150万元,主持,2020.1-2026.12
4. 张家港市农业农村局委托项目,114.98万元,主持(JSZC-320582-ZZFW-G2024-0010),2024.11-2025.6
5. 苏州市农业农村局委托项目,25.2万元,参与(202SZHX2022-WZ-G-010),2022.10-2025.9
6. 湖南中烟工业有限责任公司委托项目,40万元,主持(202443000834041),2024.1-2025.12
7. 国家科技创新领军人才支持项目,80万元,主持(2023RA23600405),2024.6-2028.12
8. 天津市自然科学基金重点项目,20万元,主持(No.21JCZDJC00180),2021.10-2024.9
9. 天津市“131”创新人才团队建设经费,天津市人力资源与社会保障局,90万元,主持人(No. 20180323),2018.10.1-2021.9.30
10. 天津市杰出青年科学基金,100万元,主持人(No. 17JCJQJC45500),2017.10-2021.9.
11. 国家重点研发计划项目课题,465万元,课题主持人(2017YFD0800103),2017.07-2020.12.
12. 天津市自然科学基金重点项目,20万元,主持人(No. 16JCZDJC33700),2016.4-2019.3.
13. 国家自然科学基金面上项目,81万元,主持人(No. 21577073),2016.1-2019.12
14. 天津市“131”创新型人才培养工程第一层次支持项目,天津市人力资源与社会保障局,10万元,主持人,2016.01-2017.12
15. 中国农业科学院“青年英才计划”择优支持(CAASQNYC-KYYJ-10),200万元,主持人,2015.1-2018.12
16. 中国农业科学院协同创新项目课题(CAAS-XTCX2016018),260万元,主持人,2015.1-2020.12
17. 中国农业科学院基本科研业务费预算增量项目,20万元,主持人(2015ZL066),2015.1-2015.12
18. 中央级公益性科研院所基本科研业务费专项,50万元,主持人,2014.1-2014.12
19. 教育部新世纪人才计划项目,主持人(No. NCET-13-0304),2014.1-2016.12
20. 国家自然科学基金委外国青年学者合作交流项目,20万元,中方负责人(No. 21350110210),2013.7-2014.6
21. 天津市应用基础及前沿技术研究计划项目,10万元,主持人(No. 12JCYBJC13000),2012.4-2015.3.
22. 北京分子科学国家实验室开放课题,6万元,主持人,2011.11-2013.11
23. 国家自然科学基金项目,18万元,主持人(No.20806041),2009.1-2011.12
24. 教育部留学回国人员科研启动基金项目,3万元,主持人,2010.1-2012.12
25. D日本学术振兴会(JSPS)项目,240万日元,主持人(P08406),2008.9-2010.8
26. 日本学术振兴会(JSPS)基盘项目,参与人(No.223100550001),2010.1-2012.12
27. 天津市自然科学基金重点项目(天津市科技发展计划),20万元,主持人(07JCZDJC01800),2007.4-2009.9
28. 天津市自然科学基金,6万元,主持人(05YFJMJC00800) ,2005.4-2007.12
1. Haoye Wang, Bowen Yang, Richard L Smith, Jr, Yaqiong Su, and Xinhua Qi*, Electro-Reconstructed Transition Metal Electrodes for Coupled-Upgrading of Nitrate Pollution and Waste Poly(Ethylene Terephthalate) Plastics, Advanced Functional Materials, 2025, 2425333 DOI: 10.1002/adfm.202425333
2. Bingkun Chen, Bowen Yang, Yaqiong Su, Qidong Hou, Richard Lee Smith, Jr, Xinhua Qi*, Haixin Guo*, NiFeCo Wrinkled Nanosheets Electrode for Selective Oxidation of 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid, Green Chemistry, 2025, 27, 2117-2129 DOI: 10.1039/D4GC05911E
3. Saibo Yu#, Bingjie Qiu#, Yong Jin, Yu Zhao, Wei Luo*, Xinhua Qi*, Efficient removal of lignin in tobacco stems with choline chloride-based deep eutectic solvents, Industrial Crops & Products, 2025, 226, 120634. DOI: 10.1016/j.indcrop.2025.120634
4. 冯艺璇,王浩业,漆新华*,过渡金属基电极电催化氧化5-羟甲基糠醛为2,5-呋喃二甲酸研究进展,四川师范大学学报(自然科学版),2025,48(4):1-13
5. 徐迎迎,漆新华*,糠醛转化为生物燃料的研究进展,能源环境保护,2025,1-14 DOI:10.20078/j.eep.20241202.
6. Haoye Wang, Richard Lee Smith, Jr, Xinhua Qi*, Upcycling of monomers derived from waste polyester plastics via electrocatalysis, Journal of Energy Chemistry, 2025, 101, 535-561 DOI: 10.1016/j.jechem.2024.10.005
7. Guanting Liao, Richard Lee Smith, Jr, Haixin Guo*, Xinhua Qi*, Review of Carbon-Based Catalysts for Electrochemical Nitrate Reduction and Green Ammonia Synthesis, Green Chemistry, 2024, 26, 11797-11831 DOI: 10.1039/D4GC04640D
8. Yixuan Feng, Richard Lee Smith, Jr, Feng Shen*, Xinhua Qi*, Structure-oriented electrochemical synthesis of layered double hydroxide electrocatalytic materials for 5-hydroxymethylfurfural oxidation, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2024, 12, 16905−16913 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.4c06394
9. 漆新华*,仇冰洁,付君妍,“双碳”目标下农业废弃物资源化实施新路径,农业资源与环境学报,2024,41(5):989-990
10. Chang Chen, Junyan Fu, Yingliang Yu*, Xinhua Qi*, Selective production of sorbitol from glucose over humic acid-derived carbon supported nickel phosphide catalysts, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2024, 63 (40): 17124-17133 DOI:10.1021/acs.iecr.4c02905
11. Zhenglong Liu, Yue Wang, Yingqiao Zhou, Richard Lee Smith, Jr, Xinhua Qi*, Confined interfacial self-assembly of graphene-like carbon/MXene composite electrodes for capacitive deionization, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 498, 155717 DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2024. 155717
12. Haiqing Zhang, Richard Lee Smith, Jr, Feng Shen*, Xinhua Qi*, ZnFe layered double hydroxide wrapped metal-organic framework derived cobalt-nitrogen-doped carbon material as peroxymonosulfate activator for ciprofloxacin degradation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 496, 154191 DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2024.154191
13. Yingqiao Zhou, Richard Lee Smith Jr, Xinhua Qi*, Efficient one-pot conversion of cellulose into sorbitol with Ru-doped chitosan-phytic acid supramolecular crosslinked catalyst, Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy, 2024, 356, 124217 DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2024.124217
14. Jianrong Shan, Haixin Guo*, Jiajiang Zhou, Feng Shen, Mo Qiu, Jirui Yang, Richard Lee Smith Jr*, Xinhua Qi*, Efficient isomerization of glucose to fructose over Al-loaded functional lignin biopolymer, Applied Catalysis B: Environment and Energy, 2024, 353, 124095 DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2024.124095
15. Yingying Xu, Haixin Guo*, Xinhua Qi*, One-pot assembly of sulfated lignin/Zr coordination polymer for efficient alcoholysis of furfuryl alcohol to methyl levulinate, Renewable Energy, 2024, 229, 120742 DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2024.120742
16. Zhibin Han1, Xiaoqi Wang1, Xiaolan Zhao, Feng Shen, Boxiong Shen*, Xinhua Qi*, Efficient isomerization of glucose into fructose by MgO-doped lignin-derived ordered mesoporous carbon, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2024, 267, 131471 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2024.131471
17. Haixin Guo, Xinhua Qi*, Deep eutectic solvents for synthesis of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, Current Opinion in Green and Sustainable Chemistry, 2024, 47, 100924 DOI: 10.1016/j.cogsc.2024.100924
18. Zhenglong Liu, Yue Wang, Haitao Wang, Richard Lee Smith, Jr, Xinhua Qi*, Direct preparation of 3D monolithic carbon-structured Ti3C2-MXene electrodes for capacitive deionization with laser-driven carbonization method, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2024, 484, 149664 DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2024.149664
19. Yingqiao Zhou, Richard Lee Smith, Jr, Xinhua Qi*, Chemocatalytic production of sorbitol from cellulose via sustainable chemistry – A Tutorial Review, Green Chemistry, 2024DOI: 10.1039/D3GC04082H
20. Ran Xi, Yiwei Tang, Richard Lee Smith, Jr, Xiaoning Liu, Le Liu, Xinhua Qi*, Selective hydrogenation of glucose to sorbitol with tannic acid-based porous carbon sphere supported Ni-Ru bimetallic catalysts, Green Energy & Environment, 2023, 8, 1719-1727 DOI: 10.1016/j.gee.2022.04.003 (IF: 13.3)
21. Yixuan Feng, Richard Lee Smith Jr, Junyan Fu, Xinhua Qi*, In situ transformation of Co-MOF nanorods into Co3S4/Ni3S2 nanotube arrays for electrochemical biomass upgrading, Green Chemistry, 2023, 25, 8698-8705 DOI: 10.1039/D3GC03151A
22. Junyan Fu, Chang Chen, Richard Lee Smith, Jr, Xinhua Qi*, General strategy for embedding metallic element, multi-metal or metal alloy nanoparticles into ordered mesoporous carbons via alcohol-soluble humins, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 473, 145457 DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2023.145457
23. Haiqing Zhang, Richard Lee Smith, Jr, Haixin Guo*, Xinhua Qi*, Cobalt cross-linked ordered mesoporous carbon as peroxymonosulfate activator for sulfamethoxazole degradation, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2023, 472, 145060 DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2023.145060
24. Yingqiao Zhou, Yining Liang, Xiaoning Liu, Xinhua Qi*, Efficient glucose hydrogenation to sorbitol by graphene-like carbon-encapsulated Ru catalyst synthesized by evaporation induced self-assembly and chemical activation, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2023, 11(32): 12052-12064 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.3c02504
25. Wenping Cao, Danni Li, Sisuo Zhang, Jing Ren, Xiaoning Liu*, Xinhua Qi*, Synthesis of hierarchical porous carbon sphere via crosslinking of tannic acid with Zn2+ for efficient adsorption of methylene blue, Arabian Journal of Chemistry, 2023, 16, 105122 DOI: 10.1016/j.arabjc.2023.105122
26. Juyan Fu#, Feng Shen#, Xiaoning Liu, Xinhua Qi*, Synthesis of MgO-doped ordered mesoporous carbons by Mg2+-tannin coordination for efficient isomerization of glucose to fructose, Green Energy & Environment, 2023, 8, 842-851 DOI:10.1016/j.gee.2021.11.010 (IF:13.3)
27. Yingying Xu, Yining Liang, Haixin Guo*, Xinhua Qi*, Catalytic hydrogenation of levulinic acid to γ-valerolactone over lignin-metal coordinated carbon nanospheres in water, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 240, 124451 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.124451 (IF 8.025)
28. Yixuan Feng, Kun Yang, Richard L Smith, Jr, Xinhua Qi*, Metal sulfide enhanced metal-organic framework nanoarrays for electrocatalytic oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid, Journal of Materials Chemistry A, 2023, DOI: 10.1039/D2TA09426F (IF 14.511)
29. Yicong Wang, Sisuo Zhang, Richard L Smith Jr, Xiaoning Liu*, Xinhua Qi*, Simultaneous removal of nitrogen and phosphorus from aqueous environments with recyclable La(OH)3/Fe3C ordered mesoporous carbon electrode, Journal of Cleaner Production, 2023, 397, 136585 DOI: 10.1016/j.jclepro.2023.136585 (IF 11.072)
30. Jirui Yang, Yanwei Zhang, Feng Shen, Xinhua Qi*, Glucose-derived zirconium-containing mesoporous composite for efficient catalytic transfer hydrogenation of furfural to furfuryl alcohol, Biomass and Bioenergy, 2023, 170, 106723 (IF 5.774)
31. Xiaoqi Wang; Xinhua Qi*; Mo Qiu; Feng Shen; Jirui Yang; Boxiong Shen, Bimetallic ordered mesoporous carbon from lignin for catalytic selective hydrogenation of levulinic acid to γ-valerolactone, Fuel, 2023, 341, 127720 DOI: 10.1016/j.fuel.2023.127720 (IF 8.035)
32. Junyan Fu, Chang Chen, Richard Lee Smith, Jr, Xinhua Qi*, Unwanted humins — promising precursors for ordered mesoporous carbons, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2023, 11, 9, 3832-3840 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.2c07001 (IF 9.224)
33. Yining Liang, Yingqiao Zhou, Xiaoning Liu, Xinhua Qi*, Synthesis of ultra-thin graphene-like nanosheets from lignin based on evaporation induced self-assembly for supercapacitors, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2023, 230, 123247 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2023.123247 (IF 8.025)
34. Yining Liang, Yingqiao Zhou, Richard L Smith, Jr, Xinhua Qi*, Ultra-thin highly-wrinkled graphene-like nanosheets for supercapacitor electrodes via 4-nitrocatechol and solvent-induced self-assembly, Carbon, 2023, 204, 495-506 DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2023.01.003 (IF 11.307)
35. Xiaoning Liu, Yicong Wang, Yiwei Tang, Richard L Smith, Jr, Yingying Xu, Yining Liang Xinhua Qi*, Plant polyphenol -derived ordered mesoporous carbon materials via metal ion cross-linking, Carbon, 2023, 202, 90-100 DOI: 10.1016/j.carbon.2022.11.038 (IF 11.307)
36. Yixuan Feng, Haixin Guo*, Richard L Smith Jr, Xinhua Qi*, Electrocatalytic oxidation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural to 2,5-furandicarboxylic acid via metal-organic framework-structured hierarchical Co3O4 nanoplate arrays, Journal of Colloid & Interface Science, 2023, 632, 87-94 DOI: 10.1016/j.jcis.2022.11.068 (IF 9.965)
37. Yiwei Tang, Junyan Fu, Yicong Wang, Haixin Guo*, Xinhua Qi*, Bimetallic Ni-Zn@OMC catalyst for selective hydrogenation of levulinic acid to γ-valerolactone in water, Fuel Processing Technology, 2023, 240, 107559 DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2022.107559 (IF 8.129)
38. Yingying Xu, Xiaoning Liu, Haixin Guo, Mo Qiu*, Xinhua Qi*, Efficient catalytic transfer hydrogenation of furfural to furfuryl alcohol over Zr-doped ordered mesoporous carbon synthesized by Zr-arbutin coordinated self-assembly, Fuel, 2023, 331, 125834 (IF 8.035)
39. Hengyu Hao, Feng Shen, Jirui Yang, Mo Qiu, Haixin Guo *, Xinhua Qi *, Synthesis of sulfonated carbon from discarded masks for effective production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, catalysts, 2022, 12, 1567 (IF 4.501)
40. Yiwei Tang, Xiaoning Liu, Ran Xi, Le Liu, Xinhua Qi*, Catalytic one-pot conversion of biomass-derived furfural to ethyl levulinate over bifunctional Nb/Ni@OMC, Renewable Energy, 2022, 200, 821-831 DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2022.09.117 (IF 8.634)
41. Haixin Guo*, Taishi Dowaki, Feng Shen, Xinhua Qi, Richard Smith Jr*, Critical assessment of reaction pathways for next-generation biofuels from renewable resources: 5-ethoxymethylfurfural, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2022, 10(28): 9002-9021 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.2c01303 (IF 9.224)
42. Yining Liang, Xiaoning Liu, Xinhua Qi*, Hierarchical nanoarchitectonics of ordered mesoporous carbon from lignin for high-performance supercapacitors, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2022, 213, 610-620 DOI: 10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2022.06.005 (IF 8.025)
43. Xiaoning Liu, Yicong Wang, Richard L Smith Jr, Le Liu, Xinhua Qi*, Synthesis of self-renewing Fe(0)-dispersed ordered mesoporous carbon for electrocatalytic reduction of nitrates to nitrogen, Science of the Total Environment, 2022, 836, 155640 DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2022.155640. (IF 10.753)
44. Ran Xi, Yiwei Tang, Richard Lee Smith, Jr, Xiaoning Liu, Le Liu, Xinhua Qi*, Selective hydrogenation of glucose to sorbitol with tannic acid-based porous carbon sphere supported Ni-Ru bimetallic catalysts, Green Energy & Environment, 2022, 10.1016/j.gee.2022.04.003 (IF:12.781)
45. Juyan Fu#, Feng Shen#, Xiaoning Liu, Xinhua Qi*, Synthesis of MgO-doped ordered mesoporous carbons by Mg2+-tannin coordination for efficient isomerization of glucose to fructose, Green Energy & Environment, 2022, DOI:10.1016/j.gee.2021.11.010 (IF:12.781)
46. Xiaoqi Wang, Xiaoning Liu, Richard Lee Smith, Jr, Yining Liang, Xinhua Qi*, Direct one-pot synthesis of ordered mesoporous carbons from lignin with metal coordinated self-assembly, Green Chemistry, 2021, DOI: 10.1039/D1GC03030B. (IF 10.182)
47. Xiaoning Liu, Yicong Wang, Richard Lee Smith, Jr, Junyan Fu, Xinhua Qi*, High-capacity structured MgO-Co adsorbent for removal of phosphorus from aqueous solutions, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 426, 131381 DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2021.131381 (IF 13.273)
48. Xiaoqi Wang#, Mo Qiu#, Yiwei Tang, Jirui Yang, Feng Shen, Xinhua Qi*, Yingliang Yu*, Synthesis of sulfonated lignin-derived ordered mesoporous carbon for catalytic production of furfural from xylose, International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2021, 187, 232-239 DOI:10.1016/j.ijbiomac.2021.07.155(IF:6.953)
49. Feng Shen, Richard L Smith, Jr*, Jialu Li, Haixin Guo, Xiao Zhang, Xinhua Qi*, Critical assessment of reaction pathways for conversion of agricultural waste biomass into formic acid, Green Chemistry, 2021, 23, 1536-1561 DOI: 10.1039/D0GC04263C (IF 10.182)
50. Yiwei Tang, Mo Qiu, Jirui Yang, Feng Shen, Xiaoqi Wang, Xinhua Qi*, One-pot self-assembly synthesis of Ni-doped ordered mesoporous carbons for quantitative hydrogenation of furfural to furfuryl alcohol, Green Chemistry, 2021, 23, 1861-1870 DOI: 10.1039/D0GC04029K (IF 10.182)
51. Qidong Hou, Xinhua Qi, Meinan Zhen, Hengli Qian, Yifan Nie, Chuanyunlong Bai, Shiqiu Zhang, Xinyu Bai, Meiting Ju*, Biorefinery Roadmap Based on Catalytic Production and Upgrading of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, Green Chemistry, 2021, 23, 119-231 DOI: 10.1039/D0GC02770G(IF 10.182)
52. Ruoqing Wang#, Feng Shen#, Yiwei Tang, Haixin Guo, Richard L Smith, Jr, Xinhua Qi*, Selective conversion of furfuryl alcohol to levulinic acid by SO3H-containing silica nanoflower in GVL/H2O system, Renewable Energy, 2021, 171, 124-132 DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2021.02.064 (IF 8.001)
53. Xiaoning Liu, Junyan Fu, Yiwei Tang, Richard L Smith, Jr, Xinhua Qi*, Mg-coordinated self-assembly of MgO-doped ordered mesoporous carbons for selective recovery of phosphorus from aqueous solutions, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 406, 126748,DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2020. 126748 (IF 13.273)
54. Jirui Yang, Xiaoqi Wang, Feng Shen, Xinhua Qi*, Base activation of persulfate: an effective pretreatment method to enhance glucose production from lignocellulosic biomass, Cellulose, 2021, 28, 4039–4051 DOI: 10.1007/s10570-021-03796-9 (IF 5.044)
55. Xiaoqi Wang, Mo Qiu, Richard Lee Smith, Jr, Jirui Yang, Feng Shen, Xinhua Qi*, Ferromagnetic lignin-derived ordered mesoporous carbon for catalytic hydrogenation of furfural to furfuryl alcohol, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8, 49, 18157-18166 DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c06533(IF:8.198)
56. Xiaoning Liu, Junyan Fu, Yiwei Tang, Richard L Smith, Jr, Xinhua Qi*, Mg-coordinated self-assembly of MgO-doped ordered mesoporous carbons for selective recovery of phosphorus from aqueous solutions, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2021, 406, 126748,DOI: 10.1016/j.cej.2020. 126748 (IF 10.652)
57. Boyu Jia, Chunguang Liu*, Xinhua Qi*, Selective production of ethyl levulinate from levulinic acid by lipase-immobilized mesoporous silica nanoflowers composite, Fuel Processing Technology, 2020, 210, 106578 DOI: 10.1016/j.fuproc.2020.106578 (IF 4.982)
58. Haixin Guo, Yuya Abe, Xinhua Qi, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Bifunctional carbon Ni/NiO nanofiber catalyst based on 5-sulfosalicylic acid for conversion of C5/C6 carbohydrates into ethyl levulinate, Reaction Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 5, 1759-1767 DOI: 10.1039/D0RE00153H
59. Mo Qiu, Tianmeng Guo, Ran Xi, Danni Li, Xinhua Qi*, Highly efficient catalytic transfer hydrogenation of biomass-derived furfural to furfuryl alcohol using UiO-66 without metal catalysts, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2020, 117719 (IF 5.00)
60. Feng Shen, Xinni Xiong, Junyan Fu, Jirui Yang, Mo Qiu, Xinhua Qi∗, Daniel C.W. Tsang∗, Recent advances in mechanochemical production of chemicals and carbon materials from sustainable biomass resources, Renewable & Sustainable Energy Reviews, 2020, 130, 109944 DOI: 10.1016/j.rser.2020.109944 (IF 12.11)
61. Haixin Guo*, Yuta Hirosaki, Xinhua Qi, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Synthesis of ethyl levulinate over amino- sulfonated functional carbon materials, Renewable Energy, 2020, DOI: 10.1016/j.renene.2020.05.103 (IF 6.274)
62. Shuang Sun, Lijie Zhao, Jirui Yang, Xiaoqi Wang, Xiaoya Qin, Xinhua Qi*, Feng Shen*, Eco-friendly synthesis of SO3H-containing solid acid via mechanochemistry for the conversion of carbohydrates to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8(18): 7059-7067, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.0c00784 (IF:7.632)
63. Jirui Yang, Xinhua Qi*, Feng Shen, Mo Qiu, Richard Lee Smith, Jr., Complete dechlorination of lindane over N-doped porous carbon supported Pd catalyst at room temperature and atmospheric pressure, Science of the Total Environment, 2020, 719, 137534, DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2020.137534 (IF 6.551)
64. Feng Shen, Shuang Sun, Xiao Zhang, Jirui Yang, Mo Qiu, Xinhua Qi*, Mechanochemical-assisted production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from high concentration of cellulose, Cellulose, 2020, 27(6), 3013-3023, DOI: 10.1007/s10570-020-03008-w (IF 4.210)
65. Ruoqing Wang, Xuefeng Liang, Feng Shen, Mo Qiu, Jirui Yang, Xinhua Qi*, Mechanochemical synthesis of sulfonated palygorskite solid acid catalyst for selective catalytic conversion of xylose to furfural, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2020, 8(2): 1163-1170, DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.9b06239 (IF:7.632)
66. Haixin Guo, Alif Duereh, Yaqiong Su, Emiel J. M. Hensen, Xinhua Qi*, Richard Lee Smith Jr*, Mechanistic role of protonated polar additives in ethanol for selective transformation of biomass-related compounds, Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2020, 264, 118509 DOI: 10.1016/j.apcatb.2019.118509 (IF 16.683)
67. Xiaoning Liu, Feng Shen, Richard Lee Smith Jr, Xinhua Qi*, Black liquor-derived calcium-activated biochar for recovery of phosphate from aqueous solutions, Bioresource Technology, 2019, 294, 122198 DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2019.122198
68. Feng Shen, Shuang Sun, Jirui Yang, Mo Qiu, Xinhua Qi*, Coupled pretreatment with liquid nitrogen and ball milling for enhanced cellulose hydrolysis in water, ACS Omega, 2019, 4(7): 11756-11759 DOI: 10.1021/acsomega.9b01406
69. Mo Qiu, Ruoqing Wang, Xinhua Qi*, Hollow polyhedral α-Fe2O3 prepared by self-assembly and its photocatalytic activities in degradation of RhB, Journal of the Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers, 2019, 102, 394-402 DOI: 10.1016/j.jtice.2019.05.024
70. Xiaoning Liu, Feng Shen, Xinhua Qi*, Adsorption recovery of phosphate from aqueous solution by CaO-biochar composites prepared from eggshell and rice straw, Science of the Total Environment, 2019, 666, 694-702. DOI: 10.1016/j.scitotenv.2019.02.227 (IF 5.589)
71. Feng Shen, Junyan Fu, Xiao Zhang, Xinhua Qi*, Crab shell-derived lotus root-like porous carbon for high efficiency isomerization of glucose to fructose under mild conditions,ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2019, 7, 4466-4472. DOI: 10.1021/acssuschemeng.8b06512(IF 6.970)
72. Tianmeng Guo, Mo Qiu, Xinhua Qi*, Selective conversion of biomass-derived levulinic acid to ethyl levulinate catalyzed by metal organic framework (MOF)-supported polyoxometalates, Applied Catalysis A: General, 2019, 572, 168-175. DOI: 10.1016/j.apcata.2019.01.004
73. Haixin Guo*, Yuya Hiraga, Xinhua Qi, Richard Lee Smith Jr*, Hydrogen gas-free processes for single-step preparation of transition-metal bifunctional catalysts and one-pot gamma-valerolactone synthesis in supercritical CO2-ionic liquid systems, The Journal of Supercritical Fluids, 2019, 147: 263-270. DOI: 10.1016/j.supflu.2018.11.010
74. Xinhua Qi*, Lulu Yan, Feng Shen, Mo Qiu, Mechanochemical-assisted hydrolysis of pretreated rice straw into glucose and xylose in water by weakly acidic solid catalyst, Bioresource Technology, 2019, 273, 687-691. DOI: 10.1016/j.biortech.2018.11.011 (IF 6.669)
75. Feng Shen, Linfeng Zhu, Xinhua Qi*, Nitrogen Self-Doped Hierarchical Porous Carbon from Myriophyllum Aquaticum for Supercapacitor Electrode, ChemistrySelect, 2018, 3, 11350-11356 (IF:1.51)
76. Jirui Yang, Feng Shen, Mo Qiu, Xinhua Qi*, Nitrogen-doped porous carbon derived from chitosan for the enhanced dehydrochlorination of lindane under mild conditions, Environmental Science and Pollution Research, 2018, 25 (35): 35646-35656 DOI: 10.1007/s11356-018-3500-2 (IF 2.8)
77. 刘小宁,贾博宇,申锋,漆新华*,金属元素改性生物质炭应用于磷酸盐吸附的研究进展,农业环境科学学报,2018,37(11): 2375-2386.
78. Mo Qiu, Chenxi Bai, Lulu Yan, Feng Shen, Xinhua Qi*, Efficient mechanochemical-assisted production of glucose from cellulose in aqueous solutions by carbonaceous solid acid catalysts, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2018, 6, 11: 13826-13833(IF 6.970)
79. Haixin Guo, Alif Duereh, Yuya Hiraga, Xinhua Qi*, Richard Lee Smith*, Mechanism of glucose conversion into 5-ethoxymethylfurfural in ethanol with hydrogen sulfate ionic liquid additives and a Lewis acid catalyst, Energy & Fuels, 2018, 32 (8): 8411–8419 (IF 3.024)
80. Chunguang Liu, Qingna Feng, Jirui Yang, Xinhua Qi*, Catalytic production of levulinic acid and ethyl levulinate from uniconazole-induced duckweed (Lemna minor), Bioresource Technology, 2018, 255, 50-57 (IF 6.669)
81. Feng Shen, Mo Qiu, Yinhan Hua, Xinhua Qi*, Dual-functional templated methodology for the synthesis of hierarchical porous carbon for supercapacitor, ChemistrySelect, 2018, 3, 586-591. (IF 1.505)
82. Jialei Su, Mo Qiu, Feng Shen, Xinhua Qi*, Efficient hydrolysis of cellulose to glucose in water by agricultural residue-derived solid acid catalyst, Cellulose, 2018, 25 (1): 17-22 (IF 3.809)
83. Feng Shen, Tianmeng Guo, Chenxi Bai, Mo Qiu, Xinhua Qi*, Hydrolysis of cellulose with one-pot synthesized sulfonated carbonaceous solid acid, Fuel Processing Technology, 2018, 169: 244–247 (IF 4.507)
84. Jirui Yang, Feng Shen, Mo Qiu, Xinhua Qi*, Catalytic dehydrochlorination of lindane by nitrogen-containing multiwalled carbon nanotubes (N-MWCNTs), Science of the Total Environment, 2018, 621: 1445-1452 (IF 5.589)
85. 邢静润,申锋,仇茉,漆新华*,NaOH/尿素冻融预处理纤维素及其酸催化水解,化工进展,2018,37(6):2159-2165
86. Feng Shen, Yu Wang, Luyang Li, Keqiang Zhang, Richard L. Smith, Jr., Xinhua Qi*, Porous carbonaceous materials from hydrothermal carbonization and KOH activation of corn stover for highly efficient CO2 capture, Chemical Engineering Communications, 2018, 205 (4): 423-431 (IF 1.282)
87. Luyang Li, Lulu Yan, Feng Shen, Mo Qiu, Xinhua Qi*, Mechanocatalytic production of lactic acid from glucose by ball milling,Catalysts, 2017, 7(6), 170 (IF 3.465)
88. Haixin Guo, Alif Duereh, Yuya Hiraga, Taku Michael Aida, Xinhua Qi*, Richard Lee Smith*, Perfect recycle and mechanistic role of hydrogen sulfate ionic liquids as additive in ethanol for efficient conversion of carbohydrates into 5-ethoxymethylfurfural, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 323, 287-294 (IF 8.355)
89. Feng Shen, Jialei Su, Linfeng Zhu, Xinhua Qi*,Xiao Zhang*, Comprehensive utilization of dairy manure to glucose and hierarchical porous carbon for supercapacitor, Cellulose, 2017, 24(6): 2571-2579 (IF 3.809)
90. Jialei Su, Feng Shen, Mo Qiu, Xinhua Qi*, High-yield production of levulinic acid from pretreated cow dung in dilute acid aqueous solution, Molecules, 2017, 22(2), 285(IF 3.098)
91. Linfeng Zhu, Feng Shen, Richard L. Smith, Jr, Lulu Yan, Luyang Li, Xinhua Qi*, Black liquor-derived porous carbons from rice straw for high-performance supercapacitors, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 316, 770-777 (IF 8.355)
92. Feng Shen, Richard L. Smith, Jr, Luyang Li , Lulu Yan, Xinhua Qi*, Eco-friendly method for efficient conversion of cellulose into levulinic acid in pure water with cellulase-mimetic solid acid catalyst, ACS Sustainable Chemistry & Engineering, 2017, 5(3): 2421-2427(IF 6.970)
93. Chen-Xi Bai, Feng Shen, Xin-Hua Qi*, Preparation of porous carbon directly from hydrothermal carbonization of fructose and phloroglucinol for adsorption of tetracycline, Chinese Chemical Letter, 2017, 28: 960-962(IF:3.839)
94. Haixin Guo, Xinhua Qi*, Yuya Hiraga, Taku M. Aida, Richard Lee Smith Jr*, Efficient conversion of fructose into 5-ethoxymethylfurfural with hydrogen sulfate ionic liquids as co-solvent and catalyst, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2017, 314, 508-514(IF:8.355)
95. Luyang Li, Feng Shen, Richard L. Smith, Jr., Xinhua Qi*, Quantitative chemocatalytic production of lactic acid from glucose under anaerobic conditions at room temperature, Green Chemistry, 2017, 19: 76-81 (back cover story) (IF:9.405)
96. Linfeng Zhu, Feng Shen, Richard L. Smith, Jr, Xinhua Qi*, High-performance supercapacitor electrode materials from chitosan via hydrothermal carbonization and potassium hydroxide activation,Energy Technology, 2017, 5(3): 452-460(IF:3.163)
97. Chenxi Bai, Linfeng Zhu, Feng Shen, Xinhua Qi*, Black liquor-derived carbonaceous solid acid catalyst for the hydrolysis of pretreated rice straw in ionic liquid, Bioresource Technology, 2016, 220, 656-660(IF:6.669)
98. Feng Shen, Jialei Su, Xiao Zhang, Keqiang Zhang, Xinhua Qi*, Chitosan-derived carbonaceous material for highly efficient adsorption of chromium (VI) from aqueous solution,International Journal of Biological Macromolecules, 2016, 91, 443-449.(IF:4.78)
99. Yu Wang, Feng Shen, Xinhua Qi*, Corn stalk-derived porous carbonaceous adsorbent for adsorption of ionic liquids from aqueous solution, RSC Advances, 2016, 6, 32505-32513(IF:3. 049)
100. Yu Wang, Chenxi Bai, Lulu Yan, Xinhua Qi*, Adsorption of imidazolium-based ionic liquids from aqueous solution onto cellulose-derived activated carbon materials, Journal of Environmental Chemical Engineering, 2015, 3, 2426-2434
101. Luyang Li, Yu Wang, Xinhua Qi*, Adsorption of imidazolium-based ionic liquids with different chemical structures onto various resins from aqueous solutions, RSC Advances,2015, 5(52), 41352 – 41358(IF:3.049)
102. Xinhua Qi*, Nian liu, Youfen Lian, Carbonaceous microspheres prepared by hydrothermal carbonization of glucose for direct use in catalytic dehydration of fructose, RSC Advances, 2015, 5 (23), 17526-17531(IF:3. 049)
103. Lulu Yan, Nian Liu, Yu Wang, Hiroshi Machida, Xinhua Qi*, Production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from corn stalk catalyzed by corn stalk-derived carbonaceous solid acid catalyst, Bioresource Technology, 2014, 173, 462-466(IF:6.669)
104. Xinhua Qi*, Luyang Li, Yu Wang, Nian Liu, Richard L. Smith, Jr, Removal of hydrophilic ionic liquids from aqueous solutions by adsorption onto high surface area oxygenated carbonaceous material, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 256, 407-414(IF:8.355)
105. Xinhua Qi*, Youfen Lian, Lulu Yan, Richard L. Smith, Jr, One-step preparation of carbonaceous solid acid catalysts by hydrothermal carbonization of glucose for cellulose hydrolysis, Catalysis Communications, 2014, 57, 50-54(IF:3.674)
106. 廉优芬,闫碌碌,王羽,漆新华*,果糖一步水热合成碳微球固体酸催化纤维素水解,化学学报,2014,72(4):502-507 (IF 2.735)
107. Fei Lian, Binbin Sun, Zhengguo Song, Lingyan Zhu, Xinhua Qi, Baoshan Xing, Physicochemical properties of herb-residue biochar and its sorption to ionizable antibiotic sulfamethoxazole, Chemical Engineering Journal, 2014, 248, 128-134
108. Haixin Guo, Youfen Lian, Lulu Yan, Xinhua Qi*, Richard L. Smith, Jr, Cellulose-derived superparamagnetic carbonaceous solid acid catalyst for cellulose hydrolysis in ionic liquid or aqueous reaction system, Green Chemistry, 2013, 15 (8): 2167-2174. (IF 9.405)
109. Xinhua Qi*, Luyang Li, Tengfei Tan, Wenting Chen, Richard L. Smith, Jr, Adsorption of 1-butyl-3-methylimidazolium chloride ionic liquid by functional carbon microspheres from hydrothermal carbonization of cellulose,Environmental Science & Technology, 2013, 47 (6): 2792-2798. (IF 7.149)
110. Xinhua Qi*, Haixin Guo, Luyang Li, Richard L. Smith, Jr, Acid-Catalyzed Dehydration of Fructose into 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural by Cellulose-Derived Amorphous Carbon, ChemSusChem, 2012, 5 (11): 2215-2220. (IF 7.804)
111. Haixin Guo, Xinhua Qi*, Luyang Li, Richard Lee Smith, Jr., Hydrolysis of cellulose over functionalized glucose-derived carbon catalyst in ionic liquid, Bioresource Technology, 2012, 116: 355-359.
112. Xinhua Qi*, Masaru Watanabe, Taku M. Aida, Richard Lee Smith*, Synergistic conversion of glucose into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in ionic liquid-water mixtures, Bioresource Technology, 2012, 109: 224-228.
113. Xinhua Qi*, Luyang Li, Haixin Guo, Preparation of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from fructose in acidic ionic liquids, Journal of Rare earths, 2011, 29: 173-176.
114. Xinhua Qi*, Masaru Watanabe, Taku M. Aida, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Catalytic conversion of cellulose into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in high yields via a two-step process, Cellulose, 2011, 18(5): 1327-1333
115. Xinhua Qi*, Haixin Guo, Luyang Li, Efficient Conversion of Fructose to 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural Catalyzed by Sulfated Zirconia in Ionic Liquids, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2011, 50(13): 7985-7989
116. Xinhua Qi*, Masaru Watanabe, Taku M. Aida, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Efficient one-pot production of 5-hydroxymethylfurfural from inulin in ionic liquids, Green Chemistry, 2010, 12(10): 1855-1860
117. Xinhua Qi*, Masaru Watanabe, Taku M. Aida, Richard Lee Smith, Jr., Fast Transformation of Glucose and Di-/Polysaccharides into 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural by Microwave Heating in an Ionic Liquid/Catalyst, ChemSusChem, 2010, 3(9): 1071-1077
118. 杜芳,漆新华*,徐英钊,庄源益,离子液体中树脂催化转化果糖为5-羟甲基糠醛的研究,高等学校化学学报,2010,31(3):548-552。
119. 熊梅,漆新华*,徐英钊,谷文新,庄源益,掺硫改性TiO2对活性艳红X-3B的光催化降解性能研究,环境工程学报,2010,4(6):1208-1212。
120. Xinhua Qi*, Masaru Watanabe, Taku M. Aida, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Efficient Catalytic Conversion of Fructose into 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural in Ionic Liquids at Room Temperature, ChemSusChem, 2009, 2 (10): 944-946
121. Xinhua Qi*, Masaru Watanabe, Taku M. Aida, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Efficient process for conversion of fructose to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural with ionic liquids, Green Chemistry, 2009, 11 (9): 1327-1331 (Cover story)
122. Xinhua Qi*, Masaru Watanabe, Taku M. Aida, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Sulfated zirconia as a solid acid catalyst for the dehydration of fructose to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural, Catalysis Communications, 2009, 10(13): 1771-1775
123. Xinhua Qi, Masaru Watanabe, Taku M. Aida, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Catalytic dehydration of fructose into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural by ion-exchange resin in mixed-aqueous system by microwave heating, Green Chemistry, 2008, 10(7): 799-805.
124. Xinhua Qi, Masaru Watanabe*, Taku M. Aida, Richard Lee Smith, Jr., Catalytical conversion of fructose and glucose into 5-hydroxymethylfurfural in hot compressed water by microwave heating, Catalysis Communications, 2008, 9(13): 2244-2249.
125. Xinhua Qi, Masaru Watanabe*, Taku M. Aida, Richard Lee Smith, Jr.*, Selective conversion of D-fructose to 5-hydroxymethylfurfural by ion-exchange resin in acetone-dimethylsulfoxide solvent mixtures, Industrial & Engineering Chemistry Research, 2008, 47(23):9234-9239
126. Xin-hua Qi*, Zhong-hua Wang, Yuan-yi Zhuang, Ying Yu, Jia-ling Li, Study on the Photocatalysis Performance and Degradation Kinetics of X-3B Over Modified Titanium Dioxide, Journal of Hazardous Material, 2005, B118: 219-225.
127. Xin-hua Qi, Yuan-yi Zhuang*, You-cai Yuan, Wen-xin Gu, Decomposition of Aniline in Supercritical Water, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2002, 90(1): 51-62
1. 漆新华,郝乙龙,谭腾飞,一种基于壳聚糖的吸附六价铬的吸附剂的制备方法,发明专利,ZL 201410199659.4,申请日2014年5月13日,授权公告号:CN103933951 B,授权公告日2016年6月8日。
2. 漆新华,闫碌碌,廉优芬,果糖一步水热合成碳微球固体酸用于催化纤维素水解,发明专利,ZL 201410199751.0,申请日2014年5月13日,授权公告号:CN 103238 B949238 B238 B,授权公告日2016年11月16日。
3. 漆新华,王羽,一种吸附二氧化碳的玉米秸秆基多孔碳材料的制备方法,发明专利,ZL 201510939918.7,申请日2015年12月18日,公开日2016年4月20日,授权日2018年3月16日。
4. 申锋,漆新华,一种多孔型仿酶固体酸催化剂及其制备方法和应用,发明专利,ZL 201610492630.4,申请日2016年6月27日,公开日2016年9月28日,授权日2018年4月10日。
5. 漆新华,朱林峰,申锋,一种多孔碳材料及其制备方法和应用,发明专利,ZL 201610492629.1,申请日2016年6月27日,公开日2016年12月7日,授权日2018年5月18日。
6. 漆新华,李陆杨,一种温和条件下由糖类制备乳酸的方法,发明专利,ZL 201610211200.0,申请日2016年4月7日,公开日2016年7月20日,授权日2018年5月25日。
7. 漆新华,朱林峰,一种基于壳聚糖的超级电容电极材料及其制备方法和应用,发明专利,专利号ZL 201510939917.2,证书号3054690,申请日2015年12月18日,公开日2016年4月20日,授权日2018年7月23日
8. 漆新华,李陆杨,杨秀文,一种乳酸的制备方法,发明专利,申请号:201611122096.4,申请日2016年12月8日,公开日2017年4月26日,专利号:ZL201611122096.4,证书号3291649,授权日2019年3月15日,授权公告号CN106588624 B
9. 漆新华,苏家磊,蔡彦明,一种乙酰丙酸的制备方法,申请号:201611122097.9,申请日2016年12月8日,公开日2017年5月31日,授权日2019年7月9日,发明专利
10. 仇茉,漆新华,一种用于5-羟甲基糠醛加氢的催化剂及其制备方法和应用,专利号:201811356768.7,申请日:2018年11月15日;公开日:2019年3月26日;授权日:2021年7月20日,发明专利
11. 漆新华,刘小宁,一种磁性MgO纳米花磷酸盐吸附剂及其制备方法和应用,授权号:ZL 202010908447.4,申请日:2020年9月2日;授权日:2021年10月8日,发明专利
12. 申锋,孙爽,漆新华,杨吉睿,仇茉,一种多孔型酸碱双功能固体催化剂及其制备方法和应用,专利号 : ZL202010155808.2,申请日2020.05.19,授权日2021年11月23日,发明专利
13. 漆新华,刘小宁,申锋,一种多孔生物质炭基磷酸盐吸附剂及其制备方法和应用,专利号:ZL 201910777133.2,授权公告日: 2022年2月22日,发明专利
14. 漆新华,王艺聪,刘小宁,一种Fe0基有序介孔碳电催化剂及其制备方法和应用,授权号ZL202111061874.4,申请日2021年9月13日,授权公告日:2022年10月14日,发明专利
15. 漆新华,王晓琦,一种木质素基有序介孔碳催化剂及其制备方法和应用,授权号ZL 202010567234.X,申请日:2020年6月19日,公开日:2020年9月1日,授权公告日:2023年03月10日,发明专利
16. 漆新华,梁一宁,周樱桥,一种以生物质为原料的多孔类石墨烯纳米片的合成方法,授权号:ZL202211498868.X,申请日:2022年11月28日,授权日:2024年3月8日,发明专利
17. 漆新华,付君妍,一种糖类衍生胡敏酸无交联剂制备有序介孔碳的方法,授权号:ZL202211359270.2,申请日:2022年11月02日,授权日:2024年5月31日,发明专利
18. 渡邉 賢、漆 新華、辻 勝章,マイクロ波による水熱反応可視方法及び同方法に用いる水熱反応可視用セル, 特許第5049764号(日本专利)
19. 漆新华,付君妍,一种单宁基有序介孔碳催化剂及其制备方法和应用,申请号:202010903945.X,申请日:2020年9月1日,公告日:2020年11月17日,发明专利
20. 漆新华,刘小宁,申锋,一种生物质炭材料及其制备方法和应用,申请号:201810995480.8,申请日:2018年8月29日,发明专利
21. 申锋,漆新华,一种自掺氮多级孔碳材料及其制备方法和应用,申请号:CN201810338923.6,申请日:2018年4月16日;公开号:CN108423677A,公开日2018年8月21日,发明专利
22. 漆新华,李陆杨,一种吸附亲水性离子液体的碳材料的制备方法,201410199790.0,申请日2014年5月13日,发明专利。
23. 漆新华、郭海心,糖基碳微球催化剂的制备及用于纤维素水解的工艺,201110394461.8,申请日2011年12月2日,发明专利(2012年6月13日公布,公布号:CN 102489316 A)
24. 漆新华、郭海心、李陆杨,由纤维素制备的碳微球催化剂及其应用,201110394462.2,申请日2011年12月2日,发明专利(2012年6月20日公布,公布号:CN102500415 A)
25. 赵元、漆新华、何良年、庄源益,壳聚糖催化剂的制备及用于碳酸丙烯酯的合成,200710059622.1,发明专利
26. 赵元、漆新华、何良年、庄源益,制备碳酸二甲酯的新催化工艺及其催化剂与制备200710059728.1,发明专利
27. 漆新华,Masaru Watanabe,マイクロ波による水熱反応可視方法及び同方法に用いる水熱反応可視用セル(中文名:微波加热水热反应可视化方法以及利用该方法进行水热反应的可视用反应器),P20070335,日本发明专利。
1. Zhen Fang, Richard L. Smith, Jr., Xinhua Qi (Editors), Production of Platform Chemicals from Sustainable Resources, Springer Book Series – Biofuels and Biorefineries (Volume 7), 14 Chapters, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg Berlin, ISBN978-981-10-4171-6, hardcover, 476 pages, 2017.
2. Zhen Fang, Richard L. Smith, Jr., Xinhua Qi (Editors), Production of hydrogen from renewable resources, Springer Book Series – Biofuels and Biorefineries (Volume 5), 12 Chapters, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg Berlin, ISBN978-94-017-7329-4, hardcover, 375 pages, 2015.
3. Zhen Fang, Richard L. Smith, Jr., Xinhua Qi (Editors), Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Ultrasound, Springer Book Series – Biofuels and Biorefineries (Volume 4), 12 Chapters, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg Berlin, ISBN978-94-017-9623-1, hardcover, 358 pages, 2015.
4. Zhen Fang, Richard L. Smith, Jr., Xinhua Qi (Editors), Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Microwave,Springer Book Series – Biofuels and Biorefineries (Volume 3), 12 Chapters, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg Berlin, ISBN978-94-017-9611-8, hardcover, 271 pages, 2015.
5. Zhen Fang, Richard L. Smith, Jr., Xinhua Qi (Editors), Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Ionic Liquids, Springer Book Series – Biofuels and Biorefineries (Volume 1), 12 Chapters, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg Berlin, ISBN978-94-007-7710-1, hardcover, 353 pages, 2014.
6. Jia Luo, Zhen Fang, Richard L. Smith Jr., Xinhua Qi, Fundamentals of Acoustic Cavitation in Sonochemistry, Editors: Zhen Fang, R. L. Smith, Jr., Xinhua Qi (Editors), Production of Biofuels and Chemicals with Ultrasound, Springer Book Series – Biofuels and Biorefineries (Volume 4), P3-33, Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg Berlin, ISBN978-94-017-9623-1, 2015 (Book Chapter).
7. Xinhua Qi, R. L. Smith, Jr, and Zhen Fang, Production of Versatile Platform Chemical 5-Hydroxymethylfurfural from Biomass in Ionic Liquids, Editors: Zhen Fang, R. L. Smith Jr., X.H. Qi, Production of biofuels and chemicals with ionic liquids, Springer Book Series – Biofuels and Biorefineries(Volume 1), Publisher: Springer-Verlag, Heidelberg Berlin, p.223-254, ISBN 978-94-007-7710-1, 2013 (Book Chapter).
8. Masaru Watanabe, Xinhua Qi, Taku M. Aida and Richard Lee Smith, Jr., Microwave Apparatus for Kinetic Studies and in-situ Observations in Hydrothermal or High-Pressure Ionic Liquid System. IN: The Development and Application of Microwave Heating, InTech Company, Oct, 2012, P163-178, ISBN 978-953-51-0835-1, (Book Chapter)
9. 漆新华,庄源益,超临界流体在环境科学中的应用,科学出版社,2005年4月(30万字)。
10. 漆新华,刘春光,环境工程原理,化学工业出版社,2006年1月(70万字)。
11. 戴树桂主译,环境科学:全球关注,科学出版社,2004年11月(漆新华翻译第22章,约5万字)。
12. 戴树桂主编,环境化学进展,化学工业出版社,2005年(漆新华编写第 20章)。
4)2014年度天津市科学技术奖一等奖(科技进步奖)(排名第3)(项目名称:生物质固废资源化技术研发及应用;完成人:鞠美庭、李维尊、漆新华、刘金鹏、陈晓英、张德强、唐景春、李铁龙、刘英华、王 平、刘 乐、吴文韬)(证书号:2013 JB-1-005-R3)