2000/09-2006/06 南开大学,环境科学专业,博士
1996/09-2000/06 南开大学,环境学专业,本科
2002/09 – 至今,南开大学环境科学与工程学院
1. Ma, K. Y.; Lu, Y. S.; Zhang, Y.; Zhang, Y. F.*, Trend of PFAS concentrations and prediction of potential risks in Taihu Lake of China by AQUATOX. Environmental Research 2024,251, 118707.
2. Wang, Y. Y.; Chen, H. J.; Zhang, Y. F.*; Zhu, L. Y., Impacts of iron oxides on the toxicities of pentachlorophenol in sediments to the freshwater chironomid of Chironomus riparius. Journal of Soils and Sediments 2024, 24, 464-472.
3. Zhang, Y. F.; Xie, M. W.*; Spadaro, D. M.; Simpson, S. L., Improving toxicity prediction of metal-contaminated sediments by incorporating sediment properties. Environmental Pollution 2023,338, 122708.
4. Zhang, Y.; Chen, Y.; Chen, H. J.; Zhang, Y. F.; Yang, L. P.; Zhong, W. J.; Zhu, L. Y.*, Direct evidence of the important role of proteins in bioconcentration and biomagnification of PFASs in benthic organisms based on comparison with OPEs. Science of the Total Environment 2023,863, 161012.
5. Jia, Y.; Zhu, Y.; Wang, R.; Ye, Q.; Xu, D.; Zhang, W.; Zhang, Y.; Shan, G.; Zhu, L.*, Novel insights into the mediating roles of cluster of differentiation 36 in transmembrane transport and tissue partition of per- and polyfluoroalkyl substances in mice. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2023,442, 130129.
6. Zhang, Y. F.; Yin, J.; Qv, Z.; Chen, H. J.; Li, H. W.; Zhang, Y.; Zhu, L. Y.*, Deriving freshwater sediment quality guidelines of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons using method of species sensitivity distribution and application for risk assessment. Water Research 2022,225, 119139.
7. Zhang, Y.; Qv, Z.; Wang, J.; Yang, Y.; Chen, X.; Wang, J.; Zhang, Y.*; Zhu, L.*, Natural biofilm as a potential integrative sample for evaluating the contamination and impacts of PFAS on aquatic ecosystems. Water Research 2022,215, 118233.
8. Wu, Z. H.; Li, R. X.; Zhang, Y. F.; Zhu, L. Y.*, Insights into the impacts of bioturbation by multiple benthic organisms on the bioavailability and toxic effects of perfluorooctane sulfonate in sediment. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021,420, 126675.
9. Chen, P. Y.; Yang, J.; Xiao, B. W.; Zhang, Y. F.; Liu, S.; Zhu, L. Y.*, Mechanisms for the impacts of graphene oxide on the developmental toxicity and endocrine disruption induced by bisphenol A on zebrafish larvae. Journal of Hazardous Materials 2021,408, 124867.
10. Zhang, Y. F.; Li, H. W.; Yin, J.; Zhu, L. Y.*, Risk assessment for sediment associated heavy metals using sediment quality guidelines modified by sediment properties. Environmental Pollution 2021,275, 115844.
11. Zhang, Y. F.; Spadaro, D. A.; King, J. J.; Simpson, S. L.*, Improved prediction of sediment toxicity using a combination of sediment and overlying water contaminant exposures. Environmental Pollution 2020,266, 115187.
12. Zhang, Y. F.; Yang, J. X.; Simpson, S. L.; Wang, Y. Y.; Zhu, L. Y.*, Application of diffusive gradients in thin films (DGT) and simultaneously extracted metals (SEM) for evaluating bioavailability of metal contaminants in the sediments of Taihu Lake, China. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 2019,184, 109627.