


 研究领域: 大气污染防治




2010年9月- 2015年6月 南开大学环境科学与工程学院,环境科学,攻读理学博士学位(硕博连读)
2006年9月-2010年6月 烟台大学环境与材料工程学院,环境科学,获理学学士学位















“Journal of Hazardous Materials”, “Environmental Pollution”SCI期刊审稿人











1.         Xinyi Liu, Xiaoning Wang, Qianqian Xue, Yingze Tian*, Yinchang Feng. Inhalation bioaccessibility and risk assessment for PM-bound organic components: Co-effects of component physicochemical properties, PM properties, and sources, Journal of Hazardous Materials 459 (2023) 132291.

2.         Xinyao Feng, Yingze Tian*, et al. Measurement report: Spatiotemporal and policy-related variations of PM 2.5 composition and sources during 2015–2019 at multiple sites in a Chinese megacity. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21, 16219-16235, 2021.

3.         YingzeTian*et al., Size distributions of source-specific risks of atmospheric heavy metals: An advanced method to quantify source contributions to size-segregated respiratory exposure, Journal of Hazardous Materials, 407 (2021) 124355.

4.         Rui Chen, Yehui Zhao, Yingze Tian*,Xin Feng, Yinchang Feng. Sources and uncertainties of health risks for PM2.5-bound heavy metals based on synchronous online and offline filter-based measurements in a Chinese megacity. Environment International 164 (2022) 107236.

5.         Yueming Sun, Yingze Tian*et al., Source-specific risks of synchronous heavy metals and PAHs in inhalable particles at different pollution levels: Variations and health risks during heavy pollution. Environment International 146 (2021) 106162.

6.         Qianqian Xue, Xinyi Liu, Yingze Tian⁎, Yinchang Feng.Variations of inhalation risks during different heavy pollution episodes based on 3-year measurement of toxic components in size-segregated particles. Science of the Total Environment 880 (2023) 163234.

7.         Bin Jia, Yingze Tian* et al., Seasonal variation of dissolved bioaccessibility for potentially toxic elements in size-resolved PM: Impacts of bioaccessibility on inhalable risk and uncertainty. Environmental Pollution, 307, 119551

8.         Yingze Tian*,Roy M. Harrison, Yinchang Feng, Zongbo Shi, Yongli Liang, Yixuan Li, Qianqian Xue, Jingsha Xu. Size-resolved source apportionment of particulate matter from a megacity in northern China based on one-year measurement of inorganic and organic components. Environmental Pollution 289 (2021) 117932.

9.         Yingze Tian*, Bin Jia, Peng Zhao, Danlin Song, Fengxia Huang, Yinchang Feng. Size distribution, meteorological influence and uncertainty for source-specific risks: PM2.5 and PM10-bound PAHs and heavy metals in a Chinese megacity during 20112021. Environmental Pollution 312 (2022) 120004.

10.     Xinyi Liu, Yingze Tian*, Qianqian Xue, Bin Jia, Yinchang Feng. Contributors to reductions of PM2.5-bound heavy metal concentrations and health risks in a Chinese megacity during 2013, 2016 and 2019: An advanced method to quantify source-specific risks from various directions. Environmental Research 218 (2023) 114989.

11.     YingzeTian*et al., Organic compound source profiles of PM2.5 from traffic emissions, coal combustion, industrial processes and dust.Chemosphere 278 (2021) 130429.

12.     Yingze Tian, Yufen Zhang, Yongli Liang, Zhibin Niu, Qianqian Xue, Yinchang Feng. PM2.5 source apportionment during severe haze episodes in a Chinese megacity based on a 5-month period by using hourly species measurements: Explore how to better conduct PMF during haze episodes. Atmospheric Environment 224 (2020) 117364.

13.     Qianqian Xue, Zhuo Jiang, Xiang Wang, Danlin Song, Fengxia Huang, Yingze Tian, Yanqi Huang-fu, Yinchang Feng. Comparative study of PM 10 -bound heavy metals and PAHs during six years in a Chinese megacity: Compositions, sources, and source-specific risks. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 186 (2019) 109740.

14.     Chao Wang, Zhao Meng, Peiting Yao, Linlin Zhang, Zheng Wang, Yibing Lv, Yingze Tian*, Yinchang Feng.Sources-specific carcinogenicity and mutagenicity of PM 2.5 -bound PAHs in Beijing, China: Variations of contributions under diverse anthropogenic activitiesEcotoxicology and Environmental Safety 183 (2019) 109552.

15.     Liao Guan, Yongli Liang, Yingze Tian*, Zhuoran Yang, Yueming Sun, Yinchang Feng. Quantitatively analyzing effects of meteorology and PM2.5 sources on low visual distance. Science of the Total Environment 659 (2019) 764–772. 通讯作者

16.     Yingze Tian, Jiayuan Liu, Suqin Han, Xurong Shi, Guoliang Shi, Hong Xu, Haofei Yu, Yufen Zhang, Yinchang Feng, Armistead G. Russell. Spatial, seasonal and diurnal patterns in physicochemical characteristics and sources of PM2.5 in both inland and coastal regions within a megacity in China. Journal of Hazardous Materials 342 (2018) 139–149.

17.     Jie Wen, Xiaojun Wang, Yanjie Zhang, Hongxia Zhu, Qian Chen, Yingze Tian*, Xurong Shi, Guoliang Shi, Yinchang Feng. PM2.5 source profiles and relative heavy metal risk of ship emissions: Source samples from diverse ships, engines, and navigation processes. Atmospheric Environment 191 (2018) 55–63.

18.     Yingze Tian, Zhimei Xiao, Haiting Wang, Xing Peng, Liao Guan, Yanqi Huangfu, Guoliang Shi, Kui Chen, Xiaohui Bi, Yinchang Feng*. Influence of the sampling period and time resolution on the PM source apportionment: Study based on the high time-resolution data and long-term daily data. Atmospheric Environment 165 (2017) 301-309.

19.     Tong Liu, Yingze Tian*, Qianqian Xue, Zhen Wei, Yong Qian, Yinchang Feng. An advanced three-way factor analysis model (SDABB model) for size-resolved PM source apportionment constrained by size distribution of chemical species in source profiles. Environmental Pollution,242 (2018) 1606-1615.

20.     Jie Wen, Guoliang Shi, Yingze Tian⁎, Gang Chen⁎, Jiayuan Liu, Yanqi Huang-Fu, Cesunica E. Ivey, Yinchang Feng. Source contributions to water-soluble organic carbon and water-insoluble organic carbon in PM2.5 during Spring Festival, heating and non-heating seasons. Ecotoxicology and Environmental Safety 164 (2018) 172–180.

21.     Guoliang Shi, Xing Peng, Jiayuan Liu, Yingze Tian*, Danlin Song, Haofei Yu, Yinchang Feng, Armistead G. Russell. Quantification of long-term primary and secondary source contributions to carbonaceous aerosols. Environmental Pollution 219 (2016) 897-905.

22.     Ying-Ze Tian, Jia-Bao Chen, Lin-Lin Zhang, Xin Du, Jin-Jin Wei, Hui Fan, Jiao Xu, Hai-Ting Wang, Liao Guan, Guo-Liang Shi*, Yin-Chang Feng. Source profiles and contributions of biofuel combustion for PM2.5, PM10 and their compositions, in a city influenced by biofuel stoves. Chemosphere, 189 (2017) 255-264.

23.     Yingze Tian*, Qianqian Xue, Zhimei Xiao, Kui Chen, Yinchang Feng**. PMF-GAS Methods to Estimate Contributions of Sources and Oxygen for PM 2.5, Based on Highly Time-Resolved PM 2.5 Species and Gas Data. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 18: 2956–2966, 2018.

24.     Guo-Liang Shi, Ying-Ze Tian⁎, Tong Ma, Dan-Lin Song, Lai-Dong Zhou, Bo Han, Yin-Chang Feng, Armistead G. Russell. Size distribution, directional source contributions and pollution status of PM from Chengdu, China during a long-term sampling campaign. Journal of Environmental Sciences, 56, 2017, 1-11.

25.     Ying-Ze Tian, Guo-Liang Shi⁎ , Yan-Qi Huang-Fu, Dan-Lin Song, Jia-Yuan Liu, Lai-Dong Zhou, Yin-Chang Feng. Seasonal and regional variations of source contributions for PM 10 and PM2.5 in urban environment. Science of the Total Environment 557–558 (2016) 697–704.

26.     Ying-Ze Tian, Gang Chen, Hai-Ting Wang, Yan-Qi Huang-Fu, Guo-Liang Shi*, Bo Han, Yin-Chang Feng. Source regional contributions to PM2.5 in a megacity in China using an advanced source regional apportionment method. Chemosphere 147 (2016) 256-263.

27.     Ying-Ze Tian, Yan-Qi Huang-Fu, Guo-Liang Shi, Xu-Rong Shi, Bo Han, Yin-Chang Feng*. Accuracy of Advanced and Traditional Three-Way Factor Analysis Models for Determining Source Contributions to Particulate Matter. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 16: 2512–2522, 2016.

28.     Guo-Liang Shi, Hao Chen, Ying-Ze Tian*, Dan-Lin Song, Lai-Dong Zhou, Fei Chen, Hao-Fei Yu 4 , Yin-Chang Feng*. Effect of Uncertainty on Source Contributions from the Positive Matrix Factorization Model for a Source Apportionment Study. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 16: 1665–1674, 2016.

29.     Guo-Liang Shi, Ying-Ze Tian⁎, Si Ye, Xing Peng, Jiao Xu, Wei Wang, Bo Han, Yin-Chang Feng⁎. Source apportionment of synchronously size segregated fine and coarse particulate matter, using an improved three-way factor analysis model. Science of the Total Environment 505 (2015) 1182–1190.

30.     Guo-Liang Shi, Xiao-Yu Zhou, Su-Yang Jiang, Ying-Ze Tian*, Gui-Rong Liu, Yin-Chang Feng*, Gang Chen, Yang-Ke-Xin Liang.Further insights into the composition, source, and toxicity of PAHs in size-resolved particulate matter in a megacity in China. Environmental Chemistry, 34, 3, 480–487, 2015.

31.     Ying-Ze Tian, Guo-Liang Shi*, Bo Han, Jian-Hui Wu, Xiao-Yu Zhou, Lai-Dong Zhou, Pu Zhang, Yin-Chang Feng. Using an improved Source Directional Apportionment method to quantify the PM 2.5 source contributions from various directions in a megacity in China.Chemosphere 119 (2015) 750–756.

32.     Tian, Y.Z., Wang, J., Peng, X., Shi, G.L., Feng, Y.C. Estimation of direct and indirect impacts of fireworks on the physicochemical characteristics of atmospheric fine and coarse particles. Atmospheric Chemistry and Physics, 2014, 14, 9469–9479.

33.     Tian, Y.Z., Liu, G.R., Zhang, C.Y., Wu, J.Y., Zeng, F., Shi, G.L., Feng, Y.C. Effects of collinearity, unknown source and removed factors on the NCPCRCMB receptor model solution. Atmospheric Environment, 2013, 81, 76-83.

34.     Tian, Y.Z., Wu, J.H., Shi, G.L., Wu, J.Y., Zhang, Y.F., Zhou, L.D., Zhang, P., Feng, Y.C. Long-term variation of the levels, compositions and sources of size-resolved particulate matter in a megacity in China. Science of the Total Environment, 2013,463-464, 462–468.

35.     Tian, Y.Z., Shi, G.L., Han, S.Q., Zhang, Y.F., Feng, Y.C., Liu, G.R., Gao, L.J., Wu, J.H., Zhu, T. Vertical characteristics of levels and potential sources of water-soluble ions in PM10 in a Chinese megacity. Science of the Total Environment, 2013, 447, 1-9.

36.     Tian, Y.Z., Li, W.H., Shi, G.L., Feng, Y.C., Wang, Y.Q. Relationships between PAHs and PCBs, and quantitative source apportionment of PAHs toxicity in sediments from Fenhe reservoir and watershed. Journal of Hazardous Materials, 2013, 248– 249, 89– 96.

37.     Tian, Y.Z., Xiao, Z.M., Han, B., Shi, G.L., Wang, W., Hao, H.Z., Li, X., Feng, Y.C., Zhu, T. Seasonal Study of Primary and Secondary Sources of Carbonaceous Species in PM10 from Five Northern Chinese Cities. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 2013, 13, 148–161.

38.     Tian, Y.Z., Shi, G.L., Liu, G.R., Guo, C.S., Peng, X., Xu, J., Zhang, Y., Feng, Y.C. Source contributions and spatiotemporal characteristics of PAHs in sediments: Using three-way source apportionment approach. Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry, 2014, 33, 1747-1753.

39.     Shi, G.L., Liu, G.R., Peng, X., Wang, Y.N., Tian, Y.Z.*, Wang, W., Feng, Y.C. A Comparison of Multiply Combined Models: Including PCA/MLR-CMB, Unmix-CMB and PMF-CMB Models, for Source Apportionment. Aerosol and Air Quality Research, 14: 2040–2050, 2014.

40.     皇甫延琦, 田瑛泽*, 董世豪, 戴启立, 史国良, 周潇雨, 魏桢, 千勇, 冯银厂. 基于 PMF 模型的大气颗粒物多点位来源解析研究. 中国环境科学,2018,38(6)2032~2038.

41.     陈刚, 周潇雨, 吴建会, 田瑛泽*, 周来东, 史国良, 冯银厂. 成都市冬季 PM 2.5 中多环芳烃的源解析与毒性源解析. 中国环境科学, 2015,35(10): 3150~3156.

42.     温杰,史旭荣,田瑛泽*,徐娇,史国良,冯银厂. 利用 SPAMS 研究天津市夏季环境空气中细颗粒物化学组成特征. 环境科学, 2018.



朱坦,冯银厂,史国良,毕晓辉,张一心,张裕芬,吴建会,田瑛泽Recent development of receptor model for ambient particulate matter source apportionment,科学出版社,200002016.11.1



1.       一种大气颗粒物健康风险来向源解析方法, 国家发明专利.

2.       一种高粒径分辨率大气颗粒物风险来源解析方法, 国家发明专利.

3.       基于气体标识的大气污染物多元源解析算法,国家发明专利.

4.       一种基于颗粒物无机组分和有机标识物的精细化源解析方法,国家发明专利.

5.       多粒径大气颗粒物健康风险来源解析系统,软件著作权.

6.       大气后向轨迹综合分析集成软件,软件著作权.