中心介绍About Us



  加拿大水技术交流中心由来自加拿大22所大学的38位水和环境领域世界知名的教授和专家组成,该团队包括了6名加拿大工程院(Canadian Academy of Engineering)院士,2名加拿大皇家学会(Royal Society of Canada)院士以及8位加拿大首席科学家(Research Chairs)。鉴于加拿大在水与生态环境领域科研和技术发展全球的领先地位,国家外国专家局邀请加拿大水技术交流中心与南开大学合作和滨海新区政府合作,共同打造一个世界一流水平的水与环境研究机构,进行前沿基础科学研究和创新性的先进技术研究,并成为国家相关政策和技术规范建立修订的智库。


  2016年5月,中加中心协同加拿大土木工程学会组织了11位加拿大专家就中国海绵城市建设问题进行研讨, 并由中加中心的加方主任艾德华-麦克宾教授向马凯副总理就海绵城市建设问题作了专题汇报。马凯副总理在会上特别肯定了麦克宾教授的报告。这是中加中心利用自身优势和资源,面向中国重大需求,参与科学与政策研究的良好开端。


About Us

The Sino-Canadian Joint Research Centre on Water and Environmental Safety (SCWE) is an international joint research institute established by the collaborative efforts of Nankai University, Canada Water Technology Exchange (“CWTX”), People’s Government of Tianjin Binhai New Area (“TBNA”), and China Association for International Exchange of Personnel (“CAIEP”).


A network of 38 premier professors/experts in water and environmental engineering from 22 universities across Canada will work for SCWE. They include 5 Fellows of Canada Academy of Engineering, 2 Fellows of Royal Society of Canada and 8 Research Chairs. SCWE works toward making breakthroughs in water and environmental innovation and playing an important role in international technology transfer, training of talented experts and building international scientific research teams. SCWE carries out collaborative research and advanced technology transfer on water and environmental safety in areas such as water/waste-water treatment, urban river restoration, groundwater /soil remediation, clean production and eco-material development, smart monitoring systems and other related areas, contributing our work to the social and economic development of the Bohai Bay and Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei area.

December 2015, the MOU for the joint creation of the Sino-Canadian Joint Research Center for Water and Environmental Safety signing ceremony was held at the Sino-Canadian Joint Collaboration Workshop at Nankai University.

May 2016, the SCWE was officially established with delegates from CWTX, Canadian Embassy in Beijing, TBNA government, CAIEP, and other organizations in attendance for both events.

Also in My 2016, SCWE with the help of the Canadian Society of Civil Engineers, organized 11 Canadian experts to discuss and offer suggestions on China's Sponge City construction, which were presented to China Vice-Premier Ma Kai in a report by Prof. Edward McBean at a meeting specifically on Sponge City issues. Vice Premier Ma Kai deeply approved of the suggestions reported by Prof. McBean on behalf of the Canadian Expert Team, signifying a good start to joining in on science and policy research targeted at China's large demand with SCWE's natural advantages and resources.